Custom Designs
Whilst the Posi-Melt and Easy-Melt screws are normally the recommended designs when processing a variety of resins, we often supply a Custom-Melt screw, especially when just one resin is processed.
A number of patented designs are available depending on the exact processing requirements. The aim is to provide the best possible melt and moulding quality while doing so with precise control and high throughput.
In order to design a Custom-Melt screw we ask that you fill out our Screw Design Questionnaire. As well as determining the best screw design for your application we also take a great deal of care in selecting the correct screw tip assembly and end cap geometry.
Finally, it is very important to select the most appropriate alloys and coatings to maximise wear life and to minimise corrosion.

In order to design a Custom-Melt screw, we ask that you fill in our Injection Screw Questionnaire.