Frigel Ecodry System
Frigel is a leading company in the world of Process Cooling. The key objectives are:
To develop technical solutions helping customers to optimize their process performance.
To reduce system running costs by minimizing energy consumption.
To help the environment by reducing energy, water and chemical consumption.
The 'Ecodry System' typically includes a central Ecodry Adiabatic Cooler along with Microgel Process Chillers or Turbogel Temperature Control Units, installed beside the Injection Moulding machine or Extruder.
The Ecodry 3DK is a centralized closed circuit system, replacing an evaporative cooling tower. It is installed outside and uses very efficient fans to pull ambient air over copper tubes containing the returning plant water, cooling it to close to ambient temperatures.
The cooled water from the Ecodry is sufficient to cool machine hydraulics and to cool the water condensed Microgel Chillers and Turbogels.
Compared to a cooling tower the Ecodry achieves:
Better cooling performance with increased efficiency.
Outstanding operating costs savings.
New standards of environmental benefits (water & energy).
Ecodry Adiabatic Cooler

Microgel Process Chiller
Microgel Process Chillers are available in two versions - RCM and RCD. These are single and double circuit water condensed chillers and booster pumps. With the RCD each outlet circuit can be controlled independently (for example to hold a different temperature on each side of the mould).
The Microgel Chillers are specifically designed to reduce cycle time by combining a water cooled chiller with high flow booster pumps, with heating elements and a free cooling valve.
The units can be digitally synchronised with the moulding machine to optimize product quality as well as reducing cycle time.
When the ambient temperature is lower than the set point only the pumps will work to give, in effect, 'Free Cooling'.
Other versions of the Microgel are also available for Extrusion applications.

Turbogel Temperature Controller
The Turbogel Temperature Controller, or 'Mould Booster' is also available with one or two outlet circuits.
The Turbogel is designed to provide a high flow of turbulent water to the mould, to give the best possible cooling performance.
Unlike the Microgel the Turbogel does not have an integrated chiller so it is best used for technical moulding where a low mould temperature is not required, or in combination with a central chilled water system.
The Turbogel can be digitally synchronised with the moulding machine to optimise product quality as well as cycle time.
For further information, please complete our Enquiry Form or visit the Frigel website.